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Oil & Gas

PRIMIS Engineering Group provides detailed design and on-site supervision during fabrication and installation for oil & gas projects.


We have completed both onshore and offshore projects in Australia, Singapore, India, China, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

We produced documentation to meet Class Society requirements – ABS, DNV, LRS.

•    Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facilities
•    Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) facilities
•    Fixed offshore jackets and modules
•    Pipelines, floating hoses, flowlines, risers

•    Supervision in shipyards and load-out sites

Work Included
•    Topside design of process, flare towers, helidecks, gantry cranes
•    Strengthening of FPSO deck for equipment and crane pedestal loads
•    Design for module transport, lift and operation loads
•    Fixed Platforms – FEA analysis
•    Sub-sea pipelines: Concrete Weight Coating (CWC)
•    Heavy Lifts – DAF, rigging etc


•    Refineries  – equipment support structures
•    Civil works – roads
•    Materials handling – davits, cranes
•    Heavy lifts – procedures and detailed design for equipment installation

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